
Three Reasons You Need This Image Hosting Software as a Wedding Photographer


i!ย We're James &ย Jess, destination wedding photographers with over 16 years in experience. Today, weโ€™re diving into something we are really passionate about: image hosting and gallery software for photographers. Having a great client experience with gallery delivery is an obligation for any photographer that wants to serve their couples best. Let's dive into the three reasons you need this image hosting software as a wedding photographer: CloudSpot is user-friendly for clients and photographers, a passive-income machine, and their customer service prioritizes photographers!


1. User-Friendly for Clients and Photographers

Notoriously, software is designed to be beautiful on the client side but seems ugly or tough to work with on the photographer's side. CloudSpot has stunning graphics, is easy to navigate, and makes uploading images simple.

Drag and Drop Uploads

Once you drag and drop the photos you want to upload, you can hide the uploads screen and get back to work on other galleries, emails, or whatever else you need to work on. Other gallery providers donโ€™t do that! When we are in work mode, we are in work mode, and can't be interrupted by upload lags.

Multiple Galleries per Workspace

You can use one set of images to create UNLIMITED Galleries and Mobile Apps. Are you reading this?! Other galleries sometimes make you re-upload imagery, causing you to use more storage space to have a new gallery or mobile app. You can use this space to provide your clients with different gallery options or have galleries dedicated to specific vendors and wedding venues.

Easy Client Views and Downloads

Having a straightforward way for clients to download images from CloudSpot saves them frustration and the photographer time. We donโ€™t have to explain much to the client for easy downloads.

Email Templates

CloudSpot offers email templates that you can borrow, edit, and custom save for future email sends to clients. This makes the emails simple and so easy for clients to navigate. You can link the gallery and a zip file of images within your email.

Notification Center

James is typically a no-notifications person. His phone is usually on do no disturb 24/7, but these gallery notifications are a game-changer! Seeing the Notification Center with gallery views, image downloads, and client navigation is really fun. Having this data helps us optimize our gallery delivery process for future wedding couples.

At the same time, the lack of notifications tells you that you need to optimize the way you send your galleries.

2. CloudSpot is a Passive-Income Machine

As photographers, we are leaving more income on the table from our couples than we realize. Our clients want keepsakes and to have their images printed. Optimize that with CloudSpot!

Collect Email Addresses

In your gallery settings, turn Email Capture on, and you can collect emails for notifications and automatically save them for future email marketing.

Your CloudSpot Store

When you send the gallery to your client, remind them there is a store on the gallery to purchase prints and products. Having SHOP NOW at the top of your galleries is huge for passive income. With the CloudSpot Store, your client's images get pulled in from their galleries to create a custom shopping experience. Cards for holidays and save the dates are our most popular item. Albums are also another good passive income builder.

All your couple has to do is add their products to your cart, they proceed to checkout, and your print lab through CloudSpot takes care of printing and shipping.

3. CloudSpot Prioritizes the Photographers

The owner of CloudSpot comes from a photography background. If software like CloudSpot is easy-to-use and easy to make more money, then photographers can focus on serving their clients.

Iโ€™ve used a lot of other gallery providers in the past. CloudSpotโ€™s customer service is second-to-none. They are extremely fast in responding and have even personally asked me what I would like to see in future features. That is unheard of in the software space.


If you are convinced at all to switch to CloudSpot for your photography business, hereโ€™s our affiliate link for 20% off your first year!

Pro-tip: combine that with the annual plan, and youโ€™re getting a total of 40% off your first year.