Print Sales

Why Every Photographer Should Sell Photos Online


he world is changing. Rapidly. Can you feel it?

This change feels even more rapid because technology advances at an exponential rate (it’s called Moore’s Law!). So, if it feels like things are getting more and more advanced at an astonishing pace, they are. What’s even crazier is that the rate itself is increasing! 

Our culture is evolving. Adapting. These changes are affecting everyone.

At the turn of the century, film photography sat on a razor’s edge as digital cameras became the latest trend. Plenty of people actively resisted. Some people just froze! Still, some people took a leap of faith (and, at the time, it was a really big leap) and embraced it for what it was.

Collectively, the photography industry had no clue know what to do. This was an unprecedented time, and there wasn’t a guidebook with rules or steps to follow! The world wasn’t connected in the way it is today. For the most part, figuring out how to incorporate digital technology into a photography business was a lonely venture.

Photo by Andrey Konstantinov on Unsplash.

Fast Forward to Today

What used to be an isolating, confusing challenge for photographers has turned into something beautiful! Technology now enables us to navigate changes and advancements together as a community. In today’s fast-moving world more and more people are buying products online. Our culture is adapting to the rapid advances in technology and changing along with it! Our community is spending more and more time online, which comes with an ever-evolving sales process driven by the internet. 

In-person sales (IPS) used to be the gold standard for photographers looking to sell prints and products to their clients. Don’t get me wrong – IPS can be a fantastic way to offer a pleasant experience to your clients! You are in total control of their environment and therefore the experience they have along the way.

However, as technology advances and our culture continues to shift, other incredible options have emerged making selling easier and more accessible while still maintaining an incredibly personal experience. Using an online gallery to showcase your images and sell products remotely or in tandem with IPS makes more sense than ever before!

Is Selling Online Worth It?

It’s no secret that your clients are buying things online because it’s incredibly convenient, not to mention more predominant, and the online experience continues to improve. 

As a photographer, the convenience of being online is already there, and with technology constantly improving, the potential experience you can offer your clients when purchasing images and products through CloudSpot is better than ever before. With all the automation that comes from using CloudSpot for product sales, your workflow can be simplified and tightened up so that you’re earning more money by doing a lot less work. (And isn’t that the best way to make money?) :)

If you’ve been reluctant to set up and start selling through a gallery, I get it. Trying something new can feel like a scary hill to climb.

Considering how much work you’ve already done to get your photos to the point of perfection, the advantages of using CloudSpot to sell online are only multiplied! As our culture continues to embrace the online method for purchasing products, it makes more and more sense to offer online options for your clients to make purchases. Getting started is quick and easy!

Yes, the world is changing. 

But, so are we. 

We’re ready to help you embrace the change and take advantage of everything that selling your images online has to offer. We’ll do it together.